Suzanne Dulin

When you work one on one with Suzanne Dulin, will be able to:

  • Remove obstacles toward growing your business
  • Make life changing decisions to prioritize your own dreams and success
  • Create strong relationships with clients and products they want to buy

Business coaching is right for startup business owners in any stage of business development - whether you are trying to decide what idea to pursue, seeking to create sales, need help developing an online course or product, or need help marketing online.

Suzanne's expertise in product development, sales, marketing, communications, and business startup give her a unique perspective on creating a business that supports you to fulfill your creative purpose.

Her work focuses on reducing the overwhelm of business startup so that you can focus on your most immediate goals. Suzanne helps startup business owners to see the progress they are making and move forward quickly, without gimmicks, by creating true connection with clients.

My Coaching Philosophy

I Love to Help

I make myself available to everyone.

Feel free to reach out to me at any time. I am happy to provide help at no cost. I do not charge until you need structured, ongoing support.

The Role of Paid Coaching Sessions

My role is to provide structured support to help my clients commit to consistent progress.

I focus on the positive so you can see the progress you are making, and I help you work through obstacles quickly.

Sometimes I provide specific help by creating websites, designs, writing text, or providing templates you can use to get started more quickly.

We can work as quickly or as slowly as you need.

Sometimes progress comes in bursts and not in weekly doses.

Many clients have ideas that they need rapid support with. For these clients, we may have 2- 3 sessions a week at the start. I will help you to determine if this is valuable to you or not.

Other clients have personal commitments that need to be accommodated. For these clients, I seek to hold the space so that you can continue to make progress on your own goals even while caring for others.

I Make Myself Available

I am available by text or email to help you at any time.

Long Term Relationships are Key

I never see our coaching sessions as a single product to sell. My goal is to create life long relationships with my clients.

Timing is Important

Sometimes I qualify a customer as a client, but the timing just isn't right. In that case, I will follow up with you (with your permission), because at some point, the time will be right.

Suzanne Dulin Business Coaching
Your First Session

The goal of your first session is to uncover your priorities and needs. 

In your first business coaching session we go through a series of structured questions to determine what you have accomplished so far, what problems you are facing, and what your vision for your business is.

Often in this session we work to cut through ideas for what you can focus on in your business.

If you like, we can set financial goals for your coaching, so that you see that your investment is returned.

From this conversation, we set the objectives for your coaching sessions

Business Coaching Suzanne Dulin
Sessions 2 - 5

In your coaching sessions, we will work together by Zoom. In person sessions in Chattanooga, TN, are also available. 

In your coaching sessions, we begin by catching up on events since we last spoke. 

We will then focus on the issues that are the biggest priority in your business at this time. 

We can move as quickly as you need, whether that is to move quickly to get you through ideas fast, or slowly to accommodate your personal life. 

You always have access to me by email or text between sessions.

Business Coaching Suzanne Dulin
Your Evaluation Session

Starting up a business is hard. I think it’s important to appreciate the progress you are making in order to stay motivated.

At the end of your coaching package, we review the goals that we set out at the start of our coaching and review the progress you have made during our time together. 

If you have set financial goals, we will compare your financial progress against your original goals.

At this time, you have an opportunity to continue to work privately, but there is no pressure to continue. 

I always seek to work at your own pace.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

There are no refunds for coaching, but you have unlimited time to use your coaching sessions.

My goal is to create long term relationships with clients, so if you are unable to use all your sessions, I will apply the remaining credit toward another purchase.

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment.

Can I purchase multiple coaching packages?

Absolutely! If you would like to work together longer, purchase multiple packages.