Get Started Making Videos in Just 1 Hour!

This proven course gives you just what you need to begin to confidently make you own videos and share them online.

You’re already a respected professional. 

You want to be the go-to creator in your industry.

Here’s how you’ll do it…

Create your own video

How You Get Your First High-Quality Video Out There

Exactly What YOU Learn In Get Started Making Helpful Videos

  • The step-by-step guide to preparing your first video
  • The best setup for high-quality light and sound
  • What and how to practice before you record
  • Professional tips to appear natural and engaging on camera
  • Beginner-friendly tutorial on uploading a video to Youtube

PLUS — A downloadable pre-recording checklist!

Make a Helpful Video
Create & Share Valuable, High-Quality Content

After you learn the simple, 5-Step process to create professional. helpful videos, you’ll be writing, recording, and sharing TONS of videos in no time.

Get Started Making Helpful Videos\
Reach People In Need of Your Help

You’re an expert in your field. Now you’re ready to create content that shares your knowledge with the world! We’re here to help you connect with people through quality videos. Imagine the difference your videos could make if they reach the right people.

Get Started Making Helpful Videos
Create an Impactful Legacy with Online Videos

You ultimately want to help others and share your expertise. Once you learn the method to creating high-quality, helpful videos — you’ll be supporting people through your content. People will reference your videos and expertise for years.

Get Started Making Helpful Videos Today

Hi! I’m Suzanne Dulin, a Professional E-Learning Developer — a fancy title for Helpful Video Creator.

I’ve produced educational video content all my adult life. In college, I produced Generic Television (GTV), a creative television show that aired in New Orleans. That’s where I developed my love and skill for using cameras, microphones, lights, and editing equipment. 

I’ve always worked in video production and communication — creating corporate training videos and working on the technical side of audio/visual systems.

Working behind the camera, I saw how timid our experts could be on video. Even though they were comfortable sharing their work in person, they found it surprisingly difficult to communicate with that same passion and confidence on camera. I’d coach them to appear confident, natural, and at ease.

That’s when it hit me.  I needed to share my expertise with others, like you!

That’s when I started teaching Get Started Making Helpful Videos. Now, I help experts create high-quality helpful videos using equipment they already own.  

Learning how to create helpful videos shouldn’t stop you from Making an Impact.


Do I need to buy special equipment?

No. This program shows you how to make professional quality videos using just your phone or laptop — so you can get going NOW.

I will give you some recommendations for affordable upgrades for when you’re ready to invest in more equipment.

How long is the course?

It’s a 45 minute presentation — Plus a checklist of everything you need to do get started recording. It’ll take you from confused and frustrated to Confident and Capable. 

Can’t I find the same information on YouTube?

Absolutely not. In this course, you get everything you need to get started making videos. You won’t waste any time searching for information. In less than an hour, you’ll be making your own helpful videos — because this proven guide has everything You need to begin.